Here's what I have going on this week. Our standards include:
Writing, Language – I can capitalize, write and spell
my first name. I can ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
– I can write F, E, D, and P.
– I can count, compare and write numbers 0-5.
– I can compare different sounds.
Studies – I can recite the Pledge of
Allegiance and recognize the flag as a symbol of our country.
of the Week – Cc
of the Week – can, go
can be SAFE in the cafeteriaHere are my plans! We are going to be studying transportation this week and I am super excited! We get to read some of my favorite books! :)
You can click on any of the pictures above to learn more about a product! One of things I am most excited about this week is that I get to use my new center pack! Over the weekend I worked hard to create centers for my students that are every definition of the term 'hands on'. I wanted to use manipulatives and materials I already had in my classroom to create a fun learning experience for my kiddos. The result? My Hands on Centers for Kinders!
This set has 10 Math and Literacy centers that are perfect for early kindergarten and even RTI throughout the year! Here's a peek at what's inside (disclaimer - not the best pics - working with a phone and dim classroom!):
Beginning Sounds Choice (lower level) - Students will identify the beginning letter of a picture with a choice of two.
Beginning Sounds Writing (higher level) - Students will independently write the upper and lowercase beginning letter of a picture.
Letter Writing Practice - Students will trace upper and lowercase letters with dry erase markers.
Counting Words in a Sentence - Students will count the number of words in a sentence and attach that many links to a card.
Upper and Lowercase Letter Match - Students will use magnetic letters to practice matching upper and lowercase letters as well as uppercase to uppercase and lowercase to lowercase.
Numeral Identification and Unifix Cube Counting - Students will identify a numeral and stack that many Unifix cubes on a card.
Number Word Sentences and Ten Frames - Students will read the number word in a sentence then add that many bear counters to a five or ten frame.
Tally Mark Counting - Students will count the tally marks and match the magnetic number.
Sorting by Size and Color - Students will sort counting bears by color and size.
Beginning Addition to 5 - Students will use Unifix cubes to practice beginning addition with solutions up to five.
Additional: Students will work on recognizing the letters in their name by spelling their name with letter tiles.
I'm also excited to start my Baggie Homework this week. The purpose of this homework is to send home a fun activity or game the student and family member can do together. This gives the student extra practice and the family member can see how the student is performing on a range of skills. All the needed materials and supplies are sent home in the baggie so there is no requirement of the family except to complete the homework! I use Velcro with most of my activities so the kiddos can leave their work attached when they turn it in and I can see how they did! Here are some pictures of the activities I have ready!
These activities are actually my FREEBIE this week! If you would like to grab my Baggie Homework freebie, just click on the link below! :)
To celebrate the rest of our three day weekend, I am putting my ENTIRE store on sale! That's right, you can even get my brand new Hands On Centers for 20% off too! Enjoy the rest of your long weekend! :)
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