Thrifty Thursday!

I am feeling SUPER productive today!  I not only uploaded my Beginning of the Year Shared Reading Weeks 3 AND 4....but I also uploaded the BUNDLE!!!!!  Everything you need for a month's worth of shared reading!  

I'm totally doing a little cheer right now!!!!!  Woohoo!

Next up is a blog post for Thrifty Thursday!  

I want to first say that Mr. Greg over at Kindergarten Smorgasboard is one of my FAVORITES!!!  He is fun, creative, and shares my love of GLITTER!  I have been waiting to link up with him and today is the day!
For my Thrifty Thursday idea I am sharing a new addition to my writing center this year.  I am always looking for fun and creative ways to get my students excited about the writing center.  Different pens, different papers, topics, stamps, markers, etc.  It usually lasts a short while and then the novelty wears off.  I am hoping my new idea holds their attention a little longer!

When parents ask me "How do I get my kid to write?" I always tell remind them that writing is not just pencil to paper.  Use sidewalk chalk, bathtub markers, window markers, ANYTHING!  Well, my classroom does not have a sidewalk and only has one window so I needed to think of a way to incorporate those things in the classroom.  I knew that I wanted to give my kiddos a way to get good feedback from the writing utensil and I knew that writing on a vertical was beneficial.  

So, the mirror board was created!  My daughter enjoys writing on the window with window markers and crayons and I have used them before to write little messages on her bathroom mirror so I knew they would be perfect for this!  (Disclaimer: the markers come off easier than the crayons - you may have to keep some baby wipes close by and be sure it's cleaned off at the end of every day!)  You can grab a variety of window markers and crayons at Wal-Mart at a pretty reasonable price!

Next, I grabbed a tall, framed mirror (also at Wal-Mart) for around $5.  This will be attached to the back of a shelf using extra strength velcro once I can finally get in my room!  Ahhh!

Here is my Madi modeling how students will use it!  Yay!!!

So serious! ;)

I think the aspect of writing on a mirror and seeing themselves as they write will be a HUGE motivator!  I can't wait to try it out!  I hope you find this post helpful!




  1. I have some of those window markers but would've never thought of this! Love the fact they work vertically! Found you at the Kindergarten Smorgasboard linky.
    Learning at the Teacher Table

  2. The mirror looks like a great incentive! Hope your kiddos love it! I have been productive the last couple of days too. I've also been working on updating products since I've learned many new tricks since starting my store. Cheers to that!
    Sarah from Mrs. Jones Teaches :o)

  3. Great idea! I'm glad you had a great productive day!
